Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Enable/Disable the Concurrent Program Parameters

HI Friends,

Here is the requirement.

1. I want to enable/disable concurrent program parameter based on other parameter value. Ex : If value for parameter1 is "Summary" i have to enable the parameter2 and if the value for parameter1 is "Detail" i have to disable the parameter2.

2. If user user select "Summary", i have to display the pop message, saying the "Please enter value for parameter2"

Step 1:

Create independent value set  "PARA_1" set for first parameter.

Step 2: Create one hidden dummy parameter (PARA_2 ) and create NONE value set and enter default value as

select decode(:$FLEX$.PARA_1,'Summary','Summary',null) from dual

Step 3:

Create third parameter which depends on value of first parameter.

For third parameter,create table value set and enter below condition in Where/Order By Clause.

WHERE :$FLEX$.PARA_2 = 'Summary'

Now test your concurrent program.

Step 4 : To Display Popup Message.

a). Create one dummy parameter.
b). Create special value set and attach this to parameter.
c). Pass some dummy constant value to parameter.

FND PLSQL "declare
  if ':$FLEX$.PARA_1:NULL' = 'Summary' AND ':$FLEX$.TEST_9:NULL' IS NULL  THEN
  fnd_message.set_name( 'FND', 'FND_GENERIC_MESSAGE' ) ;
  fnd_message.set_token( 'MESSAGE', 'Enter Value for parameter 3' ) ;

 fnd_message.raise_error ;
  end if ;
END ;"

Now test your concurrent Program.

Thursday, 10 May 2012

How to Print record Number in XML Publisher

Hi Friends,

To Print record number in XML Publisher report output, Use function called position().

Issues With Profile Values Retrieving

Hi Friends,

Today i came across one issue.

i have changed the profile value "Concurrent:Report Copies" from 0 to 1 and i am trying to retrieve the profile value by using  select  fnd_profile.value('CONC_COPIES') from dual; . But still sql query is showing old value as 0.

Solution : Once after updating the profile value, open new toad session to get latest value.

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

How to cancel Scheduled Concurrent Programs

Use below query to cancel scheduled concurrent programs.

UPDATE fnd_concurrent_requests
SET phase_code = 'C', status_code = 'X'
WHERE status_code IN ('Q','I')
AND requested_start_date > SYSDATE
AND hold_flag = 'N';